International Plant Genetics & Genomics Symposium - IPGG
Oct 14-15, 2019 Assuit university, Egypt
Organized by the Department of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University, Egypt
About the symposium
- The symposium is a part of the scientific discussions organized by Department of Genetics under the title
Molecular Genetics & Biotechnology Seminars - MGBS
- This symposium focuses on the recent advances in plant genetics and genomics projects. The main objective of the symposium is to exchange ideas and experiences about the new techniques published in the field of plant genetics and genomics. Presentations of this symposium are from research articles that were published in high-profile international journals.
- The symposium will include a poster session in which master, PhD students, young researchers , and staff member can present their work in IPGG
Symposium Coordinator: Dr. Ahmed Sallam
Keynote speakers
Associate Sponsors